Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thank our Shepherd

A couple of months ago I was contacted by a reporter asking me if I would share with him some thoughts about Archbishop John Nienstedt. I responded and did not think much of it, but was grateful that this magazine, the Catholic World Report, would do an article profiling our  Archbishop, so that those who read it may see how much he actually cares about the flock that he serves. This past Tuesday I received an email from the writer of the article, stating that the profile is now available. As I read through the profile, I once again was moved to pray for Archbishop Nienstedt. He does so much for the Church, and he has given his life over to the service of us, but so many times he is not thanked for what he does. What we should do is continue to pray for him, and also make sure to thank him. I know from personal experience that he reads every card that comes to him, and he sure seems to enjoy the ones that are positive towards him, rather than the negative ones. So, if you feel moved to do so, please write him a note, thanking him for all that he does. Here is where you can write him:

Archbishop John C. Nienstedt
226 Summit Ave
St. Paul, MN 55102

Also, here is a link to the magazine article, I hope that you can take some time to read it.

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